Fighting in the Shade of 10,000 Arrows (Or, Is Donald Trump an ISIS mole?)

by Leanne Ogasawara Once upon a time, asymmetrical warfare was viewed as a last resort. Only when every other means possible had been exploited and defeat seemed inevitable, only then would people make a stand against an obviously far stronger enemy. Thermopylae comes to mind. Between cliffs and the sea, it was here that Leonidas…

Shalom and Salaam in Syria (What Some Philosophers Say)

by Leanne Ogasawara I can't recall now where I originally found this, but several years ago I stumbled on an interesting Japanese translation for the words shalom and salaam. 1) 平和 (対国、対神、対人) ・・・和平、和解 Peace (no conflict; no fighting) 2) 平安 (個人的)・・・平穏、無事、安心、安全 Inner peace and calm; no inner trouble3) 繁栄 (商業的) Flourishing (business)4) 健康 (肉体的、精神的) ・・・健全、成熟…