We Are All Immigrants

On Labor Day we celebrate the contributions of the hard-working people who helped build our nation. Many of them were immigrants who fled war, religious persecution, and poverty. As a matter of fact, most of us have immigrant root; ironically, this this is one of the most defining aspects of being American.

Why We Should Repeal Obamacare and not Replace It with Another Insurance Plan: Thinking Out of the Box for a Health Care Solution

We have yet to come to terms with the recognition that we all pay for everyone else’s health care in some way or another. We might as well own up to this and make health care a reality for all. I propose that we re-think the entire concept of how we provide health care in this country.

The Little Engine(ering School) That Could

It’s different for college grads today than it was when I went to school. Life after graduation is not at all certain, and college grads may not be settled in a career until they are close to forty! King’s College plans to offer an engineering baccalaureate. Will it make a difference to the job prospects, and to the community?

Better Things for Better Living Through Chemistry: Seven Better Products We Didn’t Need But Now Can’t Live Without

Here is my list of products that chemistry has improved that we didn’t need but now can’t live without, such as Super Glue and Post-It-Notes. These are examples of how chemistry has fulfilled its promise to create better things for better living!

Let’s Take A Walk

It is a sad fact of American life today that people don’t walk. Perhaps they are out of the habit, or they never got into the habit. Most, though, will tell you that there is no place to go.Come along with me and I’ll show you things you wouldn’t otherwise notice in a car. There is poetry in every neighborhood if you look for it. For me, that is the wonder of walking.

The Thrill is Gone: Six Months with an Apple Watch

I love my Apple Watch…or I used to love it. Now, I’m not so sure. Yes, it is a beautifully-engineered instrument representing a quantum leap in the world of small, personal electronics, in much the same way that the iPod changed our music habits, and the iPhone our cellular phone habits. It is paradigm shift in how we use wristwatches. Yes, I love my Apple Watch… but do I really like it?

Stand-up for Cancer

I’m a big fan of stand-up comedy, and I especially enjoy live performances. There is nothing funny about cancer. What is funny, though, is how awkward it is for most people to talk about death. The author recounts an experience at a stand-up comedy show where the subject came up, and how the comedian turned it into a laughing matter.

Two Years At The Free Clinic: So Successful We May Fail?

Back and shoulder pain are among the most common problems we see here in the Care and Concern Free Medical Clinic, where I have been a volunteer physician for the last two years. Many of our patients have lost their health care insurance and that is why they seek free medical care. Our patient numbers have sharply declined this year, and this is attributed to improving economy and more jobs in the area, as well as increased access to healthcare insurance.

Not My Mother’s Home Cooking…Please

Like many post-war mothers of the 1950s, Mom was a terrible cook. She cooked “American style” relying on canned foods and processed food ingredients. Ethnic cuisine was considered unpatriotic. But my mother was an excellent Polish cook, and she learned from my grandmother. Two recipes are included.