
Karl Marx Ignites the Millennials

after Mohammad Iqbal

Ah! Come! How can you not be roused! You are nothing but you are everything.
Recharge your IPhones. From each according to his feed to each according to his need. In
times of global deceit tweeting the truth puts you in the driver seat. Road to hell is paved
with fake tweets. Take a knee. Raise a fist. Do it twice: First as history, then as tragedy.

Ask the drones of democracy, Masters of Business Administration, what else is there in
their dens of depravity besides electronic hallucinations, market rallies, blow-dried heads
squawking, mad money spiritualists, Ponzi schemers, daybreak business briefs, nighttime
rundowns, snorting bulls, bashful bears, quarterly yearnings, a spill of crooked graphs?

Women on the March, place a halo back on family values. Disrupt patriarchies that claim
your wombs as mere tombs of production. Ban gunrunners who hawk capitalism past its
sell-by date. Exorcise temples, churches, and mosques for religion is the pox of the poor
hurting for pride. Abolish Wall Street. You have nothing to lose. Unite! Inspire! Reignite!

by Rafiq Kathwari / @brownpundit