How Meg ryan and Zeno lead to a new time theory

Peter Lynd suggests that time is only an illusion, it is just a collection of related events. He is  college drop out, an underdog physicist, who found inspiration for his controversial theory in “I.Q.” a romantic comedy about Einstein’s niece, and is now promoting his upcoming book with the same agent as Dan Brown’s. Not a typical profile of a physicist I would say, but his theory is the latest link in the chain of answers to the question: How does matter move through time and space?

“Enter Lynds. In his theory, reality is merely sequences of events that happen relative to one another; time is an illusion. There’s no chronon, no direction for time’s arrow to fly, no “imaginary time” flowing 90 degrees off the axis of normal time. “I got to a point in my life where I was asking deeper and deeper questions,” Lynds says. “If you want to understand reality, you have to get into physics. And if you’re really interested in physics, you have to ask really big questions.”

More here [via – for the Hebrew speaking crowd of 3QD)