Morgan Meis back in NYC

As I wrote earlier here, 3 Quarks Daily editor Morgan Meis was arrested in Vietnam by security forces, but has managed to make it back home in one piece. I have not spoken to him yet, but J.M. Tyree reports at the Old Town Review Chronicles:

Morgan Meis, our fellow blogger here at Chronicles, has returned to NYC from his strange and harrowing journey to Vietnam, and in one piece, I might add. As was reported below, Mr. Meis was forcibly removed from the country during a meeting with a dissident Vietnamese artist. The goons from the security services actually broke in the door during the arrest…then some 3 hours of interrogation followed before Mr. Meis was allowed to purchase a one-way ticket to Singapore and hustled aboard the plane with a quasi-military escort. These and other things, I’m sure, will be revealed by Mr. Meis himself in these pages during the coming days, but to get the full story you might have to wait for his article on his trip to come out in the Virginia Quarterly Review. Welcome back, Morgan. The freedom of the city to you.

Good to hear you’re back, Morgan.